Triggered And Triggered Too.

Documentary Films
Hope and Healing for PTSD.
In TRIGGERED, renowned trauma expert Victor Marx, himself a victim of PTSD, takes the viewer on a journey of hope, uncovering causes, symptoms and treatment options for trauma victims. Unscripted, raw and authentic interviews of victims and medical experts reveal how those suffering from trauma can be freed from its life-crippling effects.
Triggered Film
For Military.
A groundbreaking new film chronicling the struggles of PTSD recovery and healing as told through a series of interviews.
Military Version
Triggered The Movie.
Please enjoy the complimentary Kindle edition workbook for Triggered.
Triggered Too
For Civilians.
Trauma is part of our world. It’s not prejudiced nor discriminating and it can take down even the strongest of minds.
Civilian Version
Triggered Too.
Please enjoy the complimentary Kindle edition workbook for Triggered Too.
Victor Marx.
Experience the trauma to triumph story of our founder, Victor Marx.
Dig Deeper
PTSD Treatment.
With God All Things Are Possible Ministries does not claim to be any type of medical or counseling service provider or engage in medical, clinical or psychological counseling or any other form of treatment to individuals of any kind. The information and links on this site are not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
Treatment can be a combination of psychotherapy or counseling, and medication. Counseling aims towards a better understanding and processing of the patient’s thoughts and feelings. For example, guilt feelings over not having prevented the death of a friend can be addressed through self-forgiveness.
Commonly felt emotions by individuals with PTSD can include fear, anxiety, sadness, depression, guilt, shame, anger and irritability. The symptoms of trauma usually manifest because of unsettled thoughts and emotions.
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder is experienced by so many people in so many walks of life. Here at ATP Ministries, we believe that the most powerful tool for healing is a relationship with the Lord and that by using available resources, along with seeking His love and grace, hope that can come from no other source will be found and healing will be even stronger.
God is a God who is able to reach deep down into our soul – our emotions and thoughts and will – and bring healing and freedom! One can pray for a person suffering from PTSD by asking the Holy Spirit to bring transformation or renewal to his mind and healing of the heart and soul. This can help speed up progress in counseling, or even bring an instant miracle! The Holy Spirit is the best Counselor and Comforter (John 14:26). He is also our Healer.
This, however, does not mean that counseling should be forgone and be replaced by prayer alone. Because traumatic experience may have caused lies and fear to enter into the person’s heart and the painful incident wounded the person’s soul, we should pray for healing of the soul and renewal of the mind. Finding a Christian PTSD treatment counselor is best, but if there is a government-funded program that does not have a Christian counselor on hand, then reading the Scriptures and having someone pray will go a long way toward recovery.
There are so many passages in the Bible, especially in the Psalms, that we can pray over a person with PTSD. He or she may even read them and declare them over his or her mind, heart, will, spirit and body. Having said that, here are some Scripture-based prayers that can help. Search out the Bible for more if you wish. But for now, you can use this prayer by simply filling in the blanks with the name of the person you are praying for:
Father, make Your presence known to ______ each and every single day, as the God who is near to the brokenhearted and who saves the crushed in spirit. (Psalm 34:18) For indeed You are.
In Your name I speak healing and restoration upon each and every wound that was inflicted upon _____’s life. Thank You for healing and binding my friend’s wounds! (Psalm 147:3)
Holy Spirit, expose the lies of the enemy that have entered my friend’s life because of his/her trauma. Jesus, bring _____ to an encounter with Your Word. Reveal Your truth to my friend and let every lie be broken and let every mindset come into alignment with Your Word. God, wash _____ with Your Word. (Romans 12:2)
I declare that ____ will stand in agreement with Your word that says only goodness and mercy shall follow him/her all the days of his/her life. (Psalm 23, Jeremiah 29:11).
Abba, I release a revelation of the spirit of sonship upon my friend right now. You have not given ____ a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but he/she has received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom he/she can cry “Abba! Father!” (Romans 8:15) Reveal Your unfailing and everlasting love that conquers all fear!
Cast out fear from ____’s heart. (1 John 4:18a) Let Your love rain down upon him/her, bringing healing to his/her mind, emotions, will and spirit, even his/her body. Overwhelm ______ with Your healing power. Overwhelm him/her with Your loving presence.
For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is Your steadfast love toward ______; as far as the east is from the west, so far You remove ______’s transgressions from him/her. (Psalm 103:11-12) You have purchased my friend for a price and that is through the blood of Your Son Jesus. I declare freedom from every burden of fear, anxiety, depression, guilt, shame and anger, by the power of the blood of Christ! And I speak love, peace, freedom, wholeness, joy and thanksgiving. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.
PTSD Treatment
PTSD Treatment
PTSD Treatment
PTSD For Military
PTSD For Military
PTSD For Military
PTSD For Military
PTSD For Military
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