We want to share the incredible story of “Bella,” a young woman who endured horrific trauma as a small child living in Cambodia.
She found hope, healing and restoration through the love of Jesus Christ at All Things Possible Ministries’ House of Refuge, thanks to ATP’s gracious supporters!
Read Bella’s story below:
As a young child, my family life was full of violence. My mother and father drank a lot. My father raped and impregnated my 13-year-old sister. When the police found out about what he did, they put him in prison and took my sister away to get help. At that time, I was around 8 or 9 years old, and my mother and I were left with no means of support.
My mother started drinking heavily … I remember sneaking away in the early morning while my mom was still asleep. I simply wanted to go to school.
Even though my name was not on the register, I begged the teachers to let me sit in so I could learn. Thank goodness they were gracious enough to allow me to stay. …
The more drunk my mother got, the more violent she was towards me. … I am only alive today because a relative saw her and intervened.
I often fled to my neighbor’s house, where I thought I could sleep safely. I was wrong. At night, my neighbor molested me. Eventually, we lost our house and possessions, so my own mother tried to sell me.
A couple of years later, my older sister met Holly from All Things Possible Ministries’ House of Refuge and asked for her help. Finally, God answered their prayers and they rescued me!
I was extremely happy to know that someone actually cared. Before I met Holly, I didn’t trust anyone. Living at the House of Refuge changed that.
I felt loved, protected and supported. I had clothing and food, a safe room to sleep in and I was allowed to go to school. I became part of a family with “Mom Holly” and many wonderful sisters.
Most importantly, I had an opportunity to get to know the real God who saved my life! Over time, I have grown in my relationship with my Lord, Jesus Christ! I now know who I am in Him! I am filled with joy and can encourage other people to keep going and never give up. I also love sharing the Gospel of Christ.
While living at the House of Refuge, God answered another big prayer. My mother stopped drinking and now has six years of sobriety. A couple of years ago, she visited us at the House of Refuge and accepted Jesus Christ!
My testimony is living proof that, through God, All Things are Possible!
Bella is now thriving as a high school honors graduate and was able to continue her education at a school for estheticians.
Her story of recovery and restoration is one of many incredible testimonies from our House of Refuge, and we’re beyond grateful for our loyal supporters!